Thank you for your generosity in supporting the ministry of the Greencastle Presbyterian Church.

You may make your tax-deductible gift in one of four ways:

  1. Make an online gift through a secure giving site.
    On this site you may make:
    – a one-time gift by credit card
    – a recurring gift using your credit card
    – a scheduled direct withdrawal from a specific bank account of your choosing

    Give Online

  2. Place checks or cash in the weekly offering during morning worship.
  3. Mail a check to our church office.
    Greencastle Presbyterian Church
    57 West Baltimore Street
    Greencastle, PA 17225
  4. If you care to make a gift from your IRA, a gift of securities or stock, please contact the church office at 717-597-8333. A representative from our church finance committee will contact you with instructions on how to facilitate your gift.

All gifts to the Greencastle Presbyterian Church are 100% tax deductible under rules set forth by the Internal Revenue Service. Quarterly and annual gift receipt statements can be provided for tax purposes.